Thursday, July 30, 2009


Notes From The Underwire!!!

You will LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH!!! Quinn Cummings' new book is just the thing for an uplifting romp through daily life! for more with Quinn! (once you finish the book -I promise, you'll want more!)

My interview with Quinn is posted at

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Royal Read!

I laughed from page 1 and continued to smile and laugh all the way through! Queen Takes King by they very funny Gigi Levangie Grazer has such spot-on observations and fabulous ear for dialogue that I could not gobble this book up fast enough! What a summer treat! The transformation of Queen (Cynthia "don't call me Cindy!" Power) is what we root for as she learns who she (really) is. Jackson "Jacks" Power is a caricature of the mogul who still needs daddy's approval. Additional players add to this comedy and move the story along with twists and turns which make for a really enjoyable read!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Best Intentions... read this book a while ago and then it got moved to a pile.... and we all (readers) know how that story goes. I read one of Emily's articles in More magazine and enjoyed it so much I checked out her site and found out about Best Intentions! So glad I did -what a wonderful storyteller! How well do ever know another person -even if it's someone you would "bet your life on?" I love a great story that centers around old college friends -the turns their lives take and what may or may not keep them together. The mystery kept me guessing the whole way through.....

Perfect Life

This book showed up in a pile of mail (as books often do!) at the radio station. What a pleasant surprise!Seeing blurbs by Tom Perrotta and Binnie Kirshenbaum didn't hurt so I packed it with the other books bound for my trip out West and thoroughly enjoyed Jessica Shattuck's second novel. I will now search for her first -The Hazards of Good Breeding. I enjoyed the writing style and the characters we come to know and perhaps understand that their choices aren't always what they appear. The summer reading list continues with Perfect Life!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Wow...what a memoir! Have been thinking about this book since I finished the last word. What powerful work. A story that has become all too familiar in this day of disposable relationships but one that still managed to shock with the level of betrayal. A wake-up call to pay attention to that little voice that tries to get our attention -and is often ignored. Such an honest look at author, Julie Metz's, life will no doubt have others take a second look at their own. A must read!

Friday, July 10, 2009

No Excuse NOT To Read This Book!!

I do not remember the last time I read a book start to finish without so much as an upward glance. (It might have been Are you there, God?) Julie Klam's memoir, Please Excuse My Daughter, is unputdownable! Groomed/doomed for princesshood made for many hours of therapy which Julie shares with the reader as if a BFF! She may have led a sheltered life but when the tides turn and self-reliance is necessary Ms.Klam comes through like the winner her loving family raised her to be! What a treat of a read!!! Just fabulous!! The music,movie references make me certain that I would see anything Julie writes, produces or directs! How wonderful to put into words where you've come from and to be able to pass along to future generations. Just like Dorothy was there all along!!

So Happy I Read It!

Maryann McFadden's second book, So Happy Together, is one of those books that not only entertains the reader but gives much to think about! The "sandwich generation"is featured in this lovingly written story about a family we really get to know. (and cheer for!) Sometimes taking the bumpy road is the most scenic! Put this one on your summer reading list!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

BFF!!! Best Friends Forever!

Someone was going to grab this title and I'm glad it was Jennifer Weiner!! Friends come and go but BFFs are with us for the duration whether in our lives or our memories. In true "the grass is always greener" form, Addie and Valerie, have a past to put behind them as they become involved in a possible hit and run that happens at the high school reunion but dates back to the good 'ol days! You may want to look up that long lost girlfriend...or maybe just see if she's on Facebook! Some friendships are better left in the past. Not so for our heroines! for more info.

Saturday, July 04, 2009


J. Courtney Sullivan's debut novel is just what I was looking for when I picked it up. A compulsively readable book. There is nothing like a great first novel!! I just loved it! The friendships we get to know and care about don't always take predictable paths . After all, these are Smith girls! This book left me thinking about some of my own college friendships, memories and the "what-might-have-beens!"