Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Count As Published??

Yeah...I wish! But it does count for Joanne Rendell- out with her first novel!
I was honored when Joanne sent a copy of the galley of her "soon to be" published book and asked if I would provide a blurb. I so enjoyed the story and was thrilled that she asked but I can only imagine how long it takes to write a novel if the length of time my quote took is any indication. (which I'm quite sure it is not!) I wish her all the best - check out her site www.joannerendell.blogspot.com

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ron McLarty Is Coming To Town!!

Three wonderful opportunities to meet Ron and hear him read from his new and fabulous novel - Art In America!! Ron will take questions and you can have copies of the book signed! This is a big RI treat so mark your calendar with the dates below :

Thursday, August 14th Redwood Library & Athenaeum - 11AM Newport, RI

Friday, August 15th Other Tiger Bookstore - 5-7PM Westerly, RI

Saturday, August 16th Schroeder's Deli - 11AM (meatballs additional!)Riverside, RI

For more information please visit Ron's site - www.ronmclarty.com