Count As Published??
Yeah...I wish! But it does count for Joanne Rendell- out with her first novel
I was honored when Joanne sent a copy of the galley of her "soon to be" published book and asked if I would provide a blurb. I so enjoyed the story and was thrilled that she asked but I can only imagine how long it takes to write a novel if the length of time my quote took is any indication. (which I'm quite sure it is not!) I wish her all the best - check out her site
I was honored when Joanne sent a copy of the galley of her "soon to be" published book and asked if I would provide a blurb. I so enjoyed the story and was thrilled that she asked but I can only imagine how long it takes to write a novel if the length of time my quote took is any indication. (which I'm quite sure it is not!) I wish her all the best - check out her site
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