Mum's The Word

I'm glad I stopped at a roadside farmstand the other day. Those will soon be disappearing along with watermelon and the need for air conditioning. Nothing says stop the car now like a sign that reads "Native sugar corn." You just know it's going to be wonderful! I also like to buy fresh produce from people who have grown it and are proud to stand behind it. (I feel similarly about kids and lemonade stands)
The impatiens still look pretty good although some of our neighbors have pulled theirs out in favor of the fall-colored mums. I'm not in any hurry to shorten what remains of summer. My impatiens are staying as long as they look vibrant and well, happy. I've still got my sandles on and even when I retire those for the season, I still find socks pretty much unnecessary. As for the summer reading pile I must admit that while I've made a dent, there are still many more that I'd like to get to. The good news is that the summer reading pile can easily become the fall reading pile!